I know what you're thinking--RAY GOT A NEW CAR! When his wife drives a piece of junk? No, he actually drives a piece of junk as well. His truck is a 1996 Toyota truck with 110,000 miles on it (mostly because is gets less miles to the gallon than the Honda, so we don't drive it as much) and we can't legally fit our whole family in it.
No, the new car I am speaking of is a black Escalade EXT with 0 miles on it. It has chrome hubcaps and a jammin' stereo. It can go in reverse, slow and fast. I think it goes up to 5 miles per hour and it doesn't even need gas. Here's the picture:
Yep, Sierra now drives the nicest car in our family. And she's pretty good at it too. She drove around ALL day last Saturday and since the car has seat belts, we buckled in Kynlee and those two had a GREAT time. It's the best babysitter we ever had. Someday, maybe we will spring for a real new car, or van :) but guaranteed it won't be nicer than Sierra's.